Co-curricular activities are conducted outside the classroom but supplement and reinforce classroom curriculum in certain ways. They do not offer any form of academic credit, but they do provide complementary learning based on activity. These can take many forms like, math clubs, talent shows, spelling bees, writing competitions, debates, mock trials, news reviews, etc. Though these activities fall outside the traditional classroom setup, they provide supplementary and complementary instruction and education for students.
In line with the New Education Policy, 2020 our School emphasizes equal impetus on inculcating skills and imbibing values among its students. The concepts are reinforced through activity-based learning while values are driven through regular classroom teaching and case study learning. Education at our school is a combination of participation and interaction, which makes learning meaningful and enjoyable. Home assignments are not a carryover of class work but are oriented towards enhancing individual talents. This includes suggested books for reading, physical and sports development, general knowledge, civic responsibilities, talent cultivation etc.